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ISerialPortLibraryListener Interface

This interface is implemented by the user application to receive notifications about created and deleted virtual serial devices. An instance of the object implementing this interface must be registered with a library by calling ISerialPortLibrary.addListener method.


// This interface is not available in scripting environment
public interface ISerialPortLibraryListener

    // Methods
    void ${added}(${SerialPortType} type, Array devices);
    void ${deleted}(${SerialPortType} type, Array devices);
struct ISerialPortLibraryListener : IDispatch

    // Methods
    HRESULT ${added}(${SerialPortType} type, SAFEARRAY(${IDevice}) devices);
    HRESULT ${deleted}(${SerialPortType} type, SAFEARRAY(${IDevice}) devices);

ISerialPortLibraryListener Methods


// This method is not available in scripting environment
void added(${SerialPortType} type, Array devices);
HRESULT added(${SerialPortType} type, SAFEARRAY(${IDevice}) devices);
The type of devices in the notification
Array of devices that are being created.

Called when devices of specified type are being created.


// This method is not available in scripting environment
void deleted(${SerialPortType} type, Array devices);
HRESULT deleted(${SerialPortType} type, SAFEARRAY(${IDevice}) devices);
The type of devices in the notification
Array of devices that have been deleted.

Called after devices of specified type have been deleted.