Virtual Serial Port Tools - Advanced serial port configurations for your custom ports usage scenario
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ISerialPortLibrary Interface

interface ISerialPortLibrary {
    // Properties
    ${compatibilityFlags}: ${CompatibilityFlags};

    // Methods
    ${createAliasPort}(port?: number | string, deviceName?: string): ${IAliasPortDevice};
    ${createBridgePort}(port?: number | string, deviceName?: string): ${IBridgePortDevice};
    ${createSharedPort}(port?: number | string, reserved?: boolean, deviceName?: string): ${ISharedPortDevice};
    ${createTcpPort}(port?: number | string, deviceName?: string): ${ITcpPortDevice};
    ${createRemotePort}(port?: number | string, deviceName?: string): ${IRemotePortDevice};
    ${createPipePort}(port?: number | string, deviceName?: string): ${IPipePortDevice};
    ${getRemoteSharedPortsJs}(hostName: string): ${IRemotePortDescription}[];
    ${getPortsJs}(type: ${SerialPortType}): ${IDevice}[];
    ${getPortsJs#getPortsJs1}(type: ${SerialPortType.Remote#SerialPortType}): ${IRemotePortDevice}[];
    ${getPortsJs#getPortsJs2}(type: ${SerialPortType.Shared#SerialPortType}): ${ISharedPortDevice}[];
    ${getPortsJs#getPortsJs3}(type: ${SerialPortType.Alias#SerialPortType}): ${IAliasPortDevice}[];
    ${getPortsJs#getPortsJs4}(type: ${SerialPortType.Bridge#SerialPortType}): ${IBridgePortDevice}[];
    ${getPortsJs#getPortsJs5}(type: ${SerialPortType.Pipe#SerialPortType}): ${IPipePortDevice}[];
    ${getPortsJs#getPortsJs6}(type: ${SerialPortType.Tcp#SerialPortType}): ${ITcpPortDevice}[];
    ${createTimeoutsObject}(readIntervalTimeout: number,
        readTotalTimeoutMultiplier: number,
        readTotalTimeoutConstant: number,
        writeTotalTimeoutMultiplier: number,
        writeTotalTimeoutConstant: number): ${ITimeouts};
    ${installLicenseFile}(path: string): void;
public interface ISerialPortLibrary
    // Properties
    ${CompatibilityFlags} ${compatibilityFlags} { get; set; }

    // Methods
    ${IAliasPortDevice} ${createAliasPort}(object port, string deviceName);
    ${IBridgePortDevice} ${createBridgePort}(object port, string deviceName);
    ${ISharedPortDevice} ${createSharedPort}(object port, bool reserved, string deviceName);
    ${ITcpPortDevice} ${createTcpPort}(object port, string deviceName);
    ${IRemotePortDevice} ${createRemotePort}(object port, string deviceName);
    ${IPipePortDevice} ${createPipePort}(object port, string deviceName);
    Array ${getRemoteSharedPorts}(string hostName);
    Array ${getPorts}(${SerialPortType} type);
    ${ITimeouts} ${createTimeoutsObject}(uint readIntervalTimeout,
        uint readTotalTimeoutMultiplier,
        uint readTotalTimeoutConstant,
        uint writeTotalTimeoutMultiplier,
        uint writeTotalTimeoutConstant);
    void ${addListener}(${ISerialPortLibraryListener} pListener);
    void ${removeListener}(${ISerialPortLibraryListener} pListener);
    void ${installLicenseFile}(string path);
    void ${installLicenseInMemory}(byte[] data);
struct ISerialPortLibrary : IDispatch
    // Properties
    ${CompatibilityFlags} ${compatibilityFlags};  // get set 

    // Methods
    ${IAliasPortDevicePtr#IAliasPortDevice} ${createAliasPort}(const _variant_t & port, VARIANT deviceName);
    ${IBridgePortDevicePtr#IBridgePortDevice} ${createBridgePort}(const _variant_t & port, VARIANT deviceName);
    ${ISharedPortDevicePtr#ISharedPortDevice} ${createSharedPort}(const _variant_t & port, VARIANT reserved, VARIANT deviceName);
    ${ITcpPortDevicePtr#ITcpPortDevice} ${createTcpPort}(const _variant_t & port, VARIANT deviceName);
    ${IRemotePortDevicePtr#IRemotePortDevice} ${createRemotePort}(const _variant_t & port, VARIANT deviceName);
    ${IPipePortDevicePtr#IPipePortDevice} ${createPipePort}(const _variant_t & port, VARIANT deviceName);
    SAFEARRAY(${IRemotePortDescription}) ${getRemoteSharedPorts}(_bstr_t hostName);
    SAFEARRAY(${IDevice}) ${getPorts}(${SerialPortType} type);
    ${ITimeoutsPtr#ITimeouts} ${createTimeoutsObject}(unsigned readIntervalTimeout,
        unsigned readTotalTimeoutMultiplier,
        unsigned readTotalTimeoutConstant,
        unsigned writeTotalTimeoutMultiplier,
        unsigned writeTotalTimeoutConstant);
    HRESULT ${addListener}(${ISerialPortLibraryListener *#ISerialPortLibraryListener} pListener);
    HRESULT ${removeListener}(${ISerialPortLibraryListener *#ISerialPortLibraryListener} pListener);
    HRESULT ${installLicenseFile}(_bstr_t path);
    HRESULT ${installLicenseInMemory}(SAFEARRAY(BYTE) data);

ISerialPortLibrary Properties


compatibilityFlags: ${CompatibilityFlags};
${CompatibilityFlags} compatibilityFlags { get; set; }
${CompatibilityFlags} compatibilityFlags;  // get set 

Zero or more of compatibility flags that can be set to increase compatibility with legacy software.

ISerialPortLibrary Methods


createAliasPort(port?: number | string, deviceName?: string): ${IAliasPortDevice};
${IAliasPortDevice} createAliasPort(object port, string deviceName);
${IAliasPortDevicePtr#IAliasPortDevice} createAliasPort(const _variant_t & port, VARIANT deviceName);
Port number or a string formatted as COMn. If omitted, a next available port number is automatically selected.
Optional device name (visible in Device Manager). By default, “HHD Software Alias Serial Port” is used. In native code, variant type must be VT_EMPTY or VT_BSTR.

The method returns a reference to created port device.

Create new alias virtual serial port.


createBridgePort(port?: number | string, deviceName?: string): ${IBridgePortDevice};
${IBridgePortDevice} createBridgePort(object port, string deviceName);
${IBridgePortDevicePtr#IBridgePortDevice} createBridgePort(const _variant_t & port, VARIANT deviceName);
Port number or a string formatted as COMn. If omitted, a next available port number is automatically selected.
Optional device name (visible in Device Manager). By default, “HHD Software Bridged Serial Port” is used. In native code, variant type must be VT_EMPTY or VT_BSTR.

The method returns a reference to created port device.

Create new virtual serial port that will act as one of the local bridge sides.


createSharedPort(port?: number | string, reserved?: boolean, deviceName?: string): ${ISharedPortDevice};
${ISharedPortDevice} createSharedPort(object port, bool reserved, string deviceName);
${ISharedPortDevicePtr#ISharedPortDevice} createSharedPort(const _variant_t & port, VARIANT reserved, VARIANT deviceName);
Port number or a string formatted as COMn. If omitted, a next available port number is automatically selected.
This parameter is reserved, you must pass false to it, or omit entirely.
Optional device name (visible in Device Manager). By default, “HHD Software Shared Serial Port” is used. In native code, variant type must be VT_EMPTY or VT_BSTR.

The method returns a reference to created port device.

Create new shared virtual serial port.


createTcpPort(port?: number | string, deviceName?: string): ${ITcpPortDevice};
${ITcpPortDevice} createTcpPort(object port, string deviceName);
${ITcpPortDevicePtr#ITcpPortDevice} createTcpPort(const _variant_t & port, VARIANT deviceName);
Port number or a string formatted as COMn. If omitted, a next available port number is automatically selected.
Optional device name (visible in Device Manager). By default, “HHD Software Network Serial Port” is used. In native code, variant type must be VT_EMPTY or VT_BSTR.

The method returns a reference to created port device.

Create new TCP virtual serial port.


createRemotePort(port?: number | string, deviceName?: string): ${IRemotePortDevice};
${IRemotePortDevice} createRemotePort(object port, string deviceName);
${IRemotePortDevicePtr#IRemotePortDevice} createRemotePort(const _variant_t & port, VARIANT deviceName);
Port number or a string formatted as COMn. If omitted, a next available port number is automatically selected.
Optional device name (visible in Device Manager). By default, “HHD Software Remote Serial Port” is used. In native code, variant type must be VT_EMPTY or VT_BSTR.

The method returns a reference to created port device.

Create new remote virtual serial port.


createPipePort(port?: number | string, deviceName?: string): ${IPipePortDevice};
${IPipePortDevice} createPipePort(object port, string deviceName);
${IPipePortDevicePtr#IPipePortDevice} createPipePort(const _variant_t & port, VARIANT deviceName);
Port number or a string formatted as COMn. If omitted, a next available port number is automatically selected.
Optional device name (visible in Device Manager). By default, “HHD Software Pipe Serial Port” is used. In native code, variant type must be VT_EMPTY or VT_BSTR.

Create new pipe virtual serial port.


// This method is not available in scripting environment
Array getRemoteSharedPorts(string hostName);
SAFEARRAY(${IRemotePortDescription}) getRemoteSharedPorts(_bstr_t hostName);
Name of the remote host which ports you want to enumerate.

Method returns an array of IRemotePortDescription objects containing all shared ports on a remote server.

Get a list of all shared serial ports on a remote server specified by hostname parameter.


getRemoteSharedPortsJs(hostName: string): ${IRemotePortDescription}[];
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Name of the remote host which ports you want to enumerate.

Method returns an array of IRemotePortDescription objects containing all shared ports on a remote server.

Get a list of all shared serial ports on a remote server specified by hostname parameter.


// This method is not available in scripting environment
Array getPorts(${SerialPortType} type);
SAFEARRAY(${IDevice}) getPorts(${SerialPortType} type);
The type of port devices to return.

This method returns an array of all local virtual serial port devices of specified type.


getPortsJs(type: ${SerialPortType}): ${IDevice}[];
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A type of virtual serial port to return.

This method returns an array of all local virtual serial port devices of specified type.


getPortsJs(type: ${SerialPortType.Remote#SerialPortType}): ${IRemotePortDevice}[];
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A remote virtual serial port type.

This method returns an array of all remote virtual serial port devices.


getPortsJs(type: ${SerialPortType.Shared#SerialPortType}): ${ISharedPortDevice}[];
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A shared virtual serial port type.

This method returns an array of all shared virtual serial port devices.


getPortsJs(type: ${SerialPortType.Alias#SerialPortType}): ${IAliasPortDevice}[];
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A alias virtual serial port type.

This method returns an array of all alias virtual serial port devices.


getPortsJs(type: ${SerialPortType.Bridge#SerialPortType}): ${IBridgePortDevice}[];
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A bridge virtual serial port type.

This method returns an array of all bridge virtual serial port devices.


getPortsJs(type: ${SerialPortType.Pipe#SerialPortType}): ${IPipePortDevice}[];
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A pipe virtual serial port type.

This method returns an array of all pipe virtual serial port devices.


getPortsJs(type: ${SerialPortType.Tcp#SerialPortType}): ${ITcpPortDevice}[];
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A TCP/IP virtual serial port type.

This method returns an array of all TCP/IP virtual serial port devices.


createTimeoutsObject(readIntervalTimeout: number,
    readTotalTimeoutMultiplier: number,
    readTotalTimeoutConstant: number,
    writeTotalTimeoutMultiplier: number,
    writeTotalTimeoutConstant: number): ${ITimeouts};
${ITimeouts} createTimeoutsObject(uint readIntervalTimeout,
    uint readTotalTimeoutMultiplier,
    uint readTotalTimeoutConstant,
    uint writeTotalTimeoutMultiplier,
    uint writeTotalTimeoutConstant);
${ITimeoutsPtr#ITimeouts} createTimeoutsObject(unsigned readIntervalTimeout,
    unsigned readTotalTimeoutMultiplier,
    unsigned readTotalTimeoutConstant,
    unsigned writeTotalTimeoutMultiplier,
    unsigned writeTotalTimeoutConstant);
Read interval timeout.
Read total timeout multiplier.
Read total timeout constant.
Write total timeout multiplier.
Write total timeout constant.

This method creates a timeouts override object. Scripting languages may construct and assign timeouts override objects directly, while native and managed languages may use this helper method to create a pre-filled timeouts override object.


// This method is not available in scripting environment
void addListener(${ISerialPortLibraryListener} pListener);
HRESULT addListener(${ISerialPortLibraryListener *#ISerialPortLibraryListener} pListener);
Pointer or reference to the listener interface implemented by the caller.

Adds specified listener object to the list of listener objects. When new virtual serial devices are created or deleted, library calls methods of the supplied listener object, passing the list of affected devices.


// This method is not available in scripting environment
void removeListener(${ISerialPortLibraryListener} pListener);
HRESULT removeListener(${ISerialPortLibraryListener *#ISerialPortLibraryListener} pListener);
Pointer or reference to the listener interface implemented by the caller.

Removes specified listener object from the list of listener objects.


installLicenseFile(path: string): void;
void installLicenseFile(string path);
HRESULT installLicenseFile(_bstr_t path);
A full path to license file.

Install the given license file. Throws an exception if an error occurs.


// This method is not available in scripting environment
void installLicenseInMemory(byte[] data);
HRESULT installLicenseInMemory(SAFEARRAY(BYTE) data);
License data in memory.

Install the license from the memory buffer.