Virtual Serial Ports - Build advanced serial port configurations for any usage scenario
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Local Bridge

Virtual Serial Port Tools allows connecting two virtual serial devices to each other, forming a virtual bridge.

Local Bridge


To create a virtual bridge or virtual null modem link, first create two bridge devices by calling ISerialPortLibrary.createBridgePort method twice and then connect them into the bridge by settings each device's IBridgePortDevice.bridgePort property to reference each other.


When an application writes data to the first serial port, all written data is transferred to the second port and vice versa. Bridge provides flow control and baud rate emulation as well as supports wait masks.

Configuration Utility

Configuration Utility allows the user to create local bridges, both non-permanent and permanent, using the Create Local Bridge Window.

Custom Pin-Out

Virtual Serial Port Tools supports custom pin-out configuration for local and remote bridges. See the corresponding topic for more details.