Network Serial Ports - Sharing Serial ports over network, accessing remote Com ports
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TCP/IP Ports

Virtual Serial Port Tools allows you to create virtual serial port device that redirects all traffic to a specified TCP endpoint, according to RFC2217 protocol (Telnet COM Port Control Option) as well as raw protocol. It also supports creating virtual serial devices that create a listening TCP/IP socket, bind it to a local address and local TCP/IP port and listen for incoming network connections.

TCP Port

HHD Software Ltd. also provides an implementation of TCP/IP Serial Ports Server, which is an optional component that can be installed on a remote computer to share its serial ports over the TCP/IP network.


To create a TCP port, first call the ISerialPortLibrary.createTcpPort method and then specify the port parameters.

Set the virtual serial port protocol using the ITcpPortDevice.protocol property. Currently, RFC2217 and raw protocols are supported.

Additional port options can be set using IConfigurableDevice.baudRate, IConfigurableDevice.dataBits, IConfigurableDevice.parity, IConfigurableDevice.stopBits and IConfigurableDevice.flowControl properties. These properties allow you to override port parameters.


Created virtual serial ports acts like the standard serial port for the calling application, providing full emulation of all serial port features supported by original device. Data protocol corresponds to RFC2217 or RAW, depending on the value of the ITcpPortDevice.protocol property.

For connecting ports, actual network connection is attempted at the time application opens the virtual serial port. If connection to remote server fails for any reason, the error code is propagated to the calling application.

For listening ports, a listening socket is created as soon as application opens the virtual serial port. As soon as remote party connects, the serial port communication is started.

Configuration Utility

Configuration Utility allows the user to create TCP ports and specify remote TCP endpoint using the Create TCP/IP Serial Port Window.