Virtual Serial Port Tools allows you to directly connect to any serial port that physically exists on another computer. This is done by means of creating a new local virtual serial port and directing it to a port shared by Remote Serial Ports Server application running on a remote computer.
To create a remote port, first call the ISerialPortLibrary.createRemotePort method and then specify the port parameters using the IRemotePortDevice.remoteHost, IRemotePortDevice.remotePort, IRemotePortDevice.login, IRemotePortDevice.password, IRemotePortDevice.domain properties as well as optional IRemotePortDevice.connectionTimeout and IRemotePortDevice.connectionAttempts properties.
Created virtual serial ports acts like the original remote port for the calling application, providing full emulation of all serial port features supported by original device.
User credentials are required at the time of port creation. They are stored securely and used each time the port is opened by the application. A system administrator of the remote computer may assign which users are granted access to shared ports.
Actual connection is made at the time application opens the virtual serial port. If connection to remote server fails for any reason, the error code is propagated to the calling application.
Configuration Utility allows the user to create remote ports and specify remote endpoint and user credentials using the Connect Remote Port Window.