Network Serial Ports - Sharing Serial ports over network, accessing remote com ports
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Command-Line Parameters

When TCP/IP Serial Ports Server is running as stand-alone process, use command-line parameters to configure its options. The server supports the following options:

psip_server.exe [OPTIONS] <SHARED-PORTS>

Where <SHARED-PORTS> is encoded according to basic or advanced syntax:

Basic Syntax

COMn1=TCP-PORT[,protocol] [COMn2=TCP-PORT[,protocol]]...

COMn=<port>[,protocol] arguments are mandatory. They specify which serial ports are shared over which TCP ports. protocol, if specified, must be either rfc2217 or raw. If protocol is omitted, rfc2217 is assumed.


psip_server.exe COM5=11111 COM6=22222,raw

Advanced Syntax

com=n,tcp=n[,comma-separated optional arguments]

Supported optional arguments:

Argument formatDescription
baud=nOverride baud rate
bits=nOverride byte size
stop=1|1.5|2Override stop bits
parity=no|odd|even|mark|spaceOverride parity
flow=no|software|hardwareOverride flow control
protocol=rfc2217|rawOverride protocol
bufferSize=nSet TCP buffer size, in bytes (default 512KB, allowed range 4KB..10MB)


psip_server.exe com=5,tcp=11111 com=6,tcp=22222,protocol=row,bufferSize=65536


-?, --helpDisplay command-line parameters.
--nologoDo not display logo message.
Logging options
--log-path<path>Write server log to the specified file.

Set logging level to one of the following:

only critical errors
all errors
errors and warnings
informational messages
maximum information for debugging
--no-screen-logDo not display a copy of log to the console.
Service operations
-install-service, --install-serviceInstall service. Must be called from elevated command-prompt.
-uninstall-service, --uninstall-serviceUninstall service. Must be called from elevated command-prompt.
License Installation
--license<path>Install the license from the given license file