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IFileManager Interface

This interface is implemented by File Manager object. It provides basic methods to work with a file system, like opening or creating files and folders, deleting files and folders and enumerating the contents of a folder.


interface IFileManager {
    // Properties
    readonly ${tempFolder}: string;
    readonly ${windowsFolder}: string;
    readonly ${systemFolder}: string;
    readonly ${programDataFolder}: string;

    // Methods
    ${createFile}(path: string,
        openMode: ${FS.OpenMode},
        access: ${FS.Access},
        share?: ${FS.Share}): ${IFile};
    ${deleteFile}(path: string): void;
    ${enumFiles}(folder: string, mask?: string): Promise<string[]>;
    ${copyFile}(source: string, destination: string, overwrite?: boolean): Promise<void>;
    ${moveFile}(source: string, destination: string, overwrite?: boolean): Promise<void>;
    ${createFolder}(path: string): void;
    ${deleteFolder}(path: string): void;
    ${loadTextFile}(path: string, utf8?: boolean): string;
// This interface is not available in managed environment
// This interface is not available in native environment

IFileManager Properties


readonly tempFolder: string;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Get the system temporary folder. Usually equals to c:\Windows\TEMP.


readonly windowsFolder: string;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Get the OS root folder. Usually equals to c:\Windows.


readonly systemFolder: string;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Get the OS system folder. Usually equals to c:\Windows\System32.


readonly programDataFolder: string;
// This property is not available in managed environment
// This property is not available in native environment

Get the ProgramData folder. Usually equals to c:\ProgramData.

IFileManager Methods


createFile(path: string,
    openMode: ${FS.OpenMode},
    access: ${FS.Access},
    share?: ${FS.Share}): ${IFile};
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Full path to the file being opened or created.
File opening mode. See FS.OpenMode topic for more information.
File access mode. A file may be opened for reading, writing or both reading and writing.
File sharing mode. Tells the file system how it should handle other process attempts to open a file. If omitted, equals to FS.Share.Exclusive.

An opened file object.

Creates or opens a file.

Open an existing file for reading

var file = fileManager.createFile("c:\\temp\\file.txt", FS.OpenMode.OpenExisting, FS.Access.Read, FS.Share.Read);


deleteFile(path: string): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Full path to the file to delete.

Deletes a given file.


enumFiles(folder: string, mask?: string): Promise<string[]>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Full path to the folder the caller wants to enumerate.
An optional mask to match files during enumeration. If omitted, equals to "*".

Enumerate files in a given folder. The method executes asynchronously and returns a list of file names that match a given mask.

Enumerating files in a folder

var files = await fileManager.enumFiles("c:\\temp", "*.txt");


copyFile(source: string, destination: string, overwrite?: boolean): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Full path to the source file.
Full path to the destination file.
An optional parameter that tells if the destination file should be overridden if it exists. If omitted, defaults to false.

Copies a source file to destination. The method executes asynchronously.

Copying a file

await fileManager.copyFile(source, destination);


moveFile(source: string, destination: string, overwrite?: boolean): Promise<void>;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Full path to the source file.
Full path to the destination file.
An optional parameter that tells if the destination file should be overridden if it exists. If omitted, defaults to false.

Moves a source file to destination or renames a file. The method executes asynchronously.

Renaming a file

await fileManager.moveFile(source, destination);


createFolder(path: string): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Full path to the folder being created.

Creates a folder. If one or more intermediate folders in a given path do not exist, they are also created by this function.


deleteFolder(path: string): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Full path to the folder being deleted.

Deletes a given folder. A folder must be empty to be successfully deleted.


loadTextFile(path: string, utf8?: boolean): string;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Full path to a file.
Optional flag to force the file to be treated as UTF8-encoded. Defaults to true if omitted.

This method attempts to load and parse a text file. It tries to automatically determine the text file encoding by analyzing its structure and presence of BOM at the beginning of a file.