Virtual Serial Ports - Build advanced serial port configurations for any usage scenario
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Exporting Configuration

This window allows you to export the selected configuration into one of supported formats.

Export Configuration Window

You can choose one of the following formats for export:

The selected device configuration is exported as TypeScript code, for example, the following text is generated when you export a local bridge COM2 ↔ COM4:
///<reference path="hhdvspkit.d.ts" />
var library = (${IVirtualSerialLibrary}) new ActiveXObject("hhdvspkit.VirtualPortLibrary.3");
    var port1 = library.${createDevice}(2);
    var port2 = library.${createDevice}(4);
    port1.${createBridge}(port2, false);
The selected device configuration is exported as C++ code. For example, the following text is generated when you export remote port COM6:
var library = new hhdvspkit.SerialPortLibrary();
    var port = library.${createRemotePort}(6);
    port.${remoteHost} = "servername";
    port.${remotePort} = 1;
    port.${login} = "UserName";
    port.${domain} = "Domain";
    port.${password} = "<password>";
The selected device configuration is exported as C++ code. For example, the following text is generated when you export an advanced configuration of a shared port COM5:
hhdvspkit::${ISerialPortLibraryPtr#ISerialPortLibrary} library;
    auto port = library->${createSharedPort}(5);
    port->${sharedPort} = 1;
    port->${baudRate} = 115200;
    port->${dataBits} = 8;
    port->${parity} = hhdvspkit::${PortParity}::MarkParity;
    port->${stopBits} = hhdvspkit::${PortStopBits}::OneAndHalf;
    port->${flowControl} = hhdvspkit::${PortFlowControl}::Hardware;
The selected device configuration is exported as one or more command-line text strings. For example, the following configuration creates and configures an alias port COM7:
.\${rspcli.exe} -create alias --local-port 7 --alias-port 1 --baud-rate 57600 --flow-control software

IVirtualSerialLibrary createDevice createBridge ISerialPortLibraryPtr createRemotePort remoteHost remotePort login domain password createSharedPort sharedPort baudRate dataBits parity stopBits flowControl PortParity PortStopBits PortFlowControl rspcli.exe