Hex Editor - Binary File Editing Software for Windows
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IParser Interface

This interface is implemented by the intrinsic parser object, provided to scripts running as part of the Structure Viewer structure binding under the name parser. The name may be omitted and the methods below may be called directly.


interface IParser {

    // Methods
    ${abort}(message: string): void;
    ${alert}(message: string): void;
    ${bind}(typeName: string, varName: string, offset: number): void;
    ${eval}(Expression: string): boolean | number | string;
    ${print}(varName: string, varValue: string): void;
    ${add_coloring_scheme}(name: string, frontColor: object, backColor: object, outlineColor: object, roundEdges: boolean): void;
// This interface is not available in managed environment
// This interface is not available in native environment

IParser Methods


abort(message: string): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
A message to be displayed in the Structure Viewer Tool Window.

Abort current binding. Behaves like the $assert directive.


alert(message: string): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
String to display

Display informational message in a popup message box. Should be used only for debugging purposes.

Expression evaluation

function f()
    var a = eval("pe_header.e_lfanew.sections[0].Name");
    alert("First PE file section name is \"" + a + "\"");
    return 0;


bind(typeName: string, varName: string, offset: number): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
The name of the user-defined type. The type must be fully defined.
The name of the variable. Must be unique.
Structure starting address (absolute value).

Bind a given structure to a given address. Hex Editor Neo performs delayed binding, that is, a new structure is bound only after the current one is successfully finished binding.

Binding a structure

function f()
    bind("struct A","a",0);


eval(Expression: string): boolean | number | string;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
The expression to evaluate.

Expression evaluation result.

Calculate expression value. You may reference global constants, enumerations, field values of already bound types and so on.

Expression evaluation

function f()
    var a = eval("pe_header.e_lfanew.sections[0].Name");
    alert("First PE file section name is \"" + a + "\"");
    return 0;


print(varName: string, varValue: string): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Name of the variable. Must be unique in the current scope.
Variable's value, as string.

Add a virtual field to the output.

Adding virtual fields

function f()
    print("var2","Hello, World");


add_coloring_scheme(name: string, frontColor: object, backColor: object, outlineColor: object, roundEdges: boolean): void;
// This method is not available in managed environment
// This method is not available in native environment
Scheme's name. Must not match any of existing coloring schemes.
An object that specifies the font color. See Remarks for details.
An object that specifies the background color. See Remarks for details.
An object that specifies the outline color. See Remarks for details.
true to round outline edges, false otherwise.

Create new binding-local coloring scheme. FrontColor, BackColor and OutlineColor must be JavaScript objects with r, g, b and a properties. If any of the property is omitted, its value is defaulted to 0, except for a, which value is defaulted to 255. All values must be within [0..255] range.

Creating new color scheme

function f()
// Create a coloring scheme Red on Blue, no outline (0 alpha = full transparent), no round edges
    parser.add_coloring_scheme("my scheme",{ r:255, g:0, b:0, a:255 }, 
        { r:0, g:0, b:255, a:255 }, { a:0 }, false);