Device Monitoring Studio - Monitor, log and analyze data coming through PC ports and connections
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Device Monitoring Studio supports an infrastructure for remote monitoring of serial and USB devices1. A running instance of Device Monitoring Studio may establish a connection to Device Monitoring Studio Server installed on a remote server, obtain a list of server's serial and USB devices and start a monitoring session for any supported device.

Remote Source provides this support inside Device Monitoring Studio, while Device Monitoring Studio Server, installed on a remote computer, “shares” serial and USB devices, locally connected to that computer.

Network Setup

DMS establishes a TCP connection to a server. Server may be configured to listen on specific local endpoints (address and port), or on all local interfaces. Network administrator must ensure that incoming connections are allowed for the configured endpoints. You can find more information in the Server Configuration topic.

Server Deployment

Device Monitoring Studio Server is available as a stand-alone package. It includes serial and USB monitoring components (which may be installed individually), server executable (capable of running as stand-alone process or installed as Windows Service) and server configuration utility.

More information on server installation and supported deployment scenarios can be found in the corresponding topic.

  1. This feature is not available in all product editions.