Device Monitoring Studio - Monitor, log and analyze data coming through PC ports and connections
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Server Security

Device Monitoring Studio Server supports two basic security settings: anonymous access and token-based access.

Anonymous Access

In this mode (which is the default), server accepts all incoming connections and allows monitoring of all its devices. This mode is only recommended in a fully controlled network environment, for example, in a local network in a lab.

Token-Based Access

In this mode, server administrator needs to create a number of access tokens and optionally provide a list of devices each access token is allowed to monitor. Access token is any unique string which must be passed by a connecting client.

If client does not pass an access token or passed access token is not found on the server, it is refused connection. If the device the client wants to monitor is not explicitly allowed for his access token, the client receives an “access denied” error.

Server security is configured in server configuration file and may also be configured using Server Configuration Utility.