Device Monitoring Studio - Monitor, log and analyze data coming through PC ports and connections
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Device Monitoring Studio Server

Device Monitoring Studio Server is a stand-alone package that can be installed on a PC to share its local serial and USB devices over the network. Once installed and configured, server handles monitoring requests from remote instances of Device Monitoring Studio.

Downloading Device Monitoring Studio Server

You can download Device Monitoring Studio Server from HHD Software Ltd. web site:

Download Server

The server installation package consists of the following components:

Main server executable
Contains server code. May be launched as a stand-alone process or installed as Windows Service (default mode).
Server configuration utility
While server reads its configuration from a simple JSON file, this configuration utility provides a visual way to edit the configuration file.
Serial monitoring components
A number of components that enable monitoring of serial devices.
USB monitoring components
A number of components that enable monitoring of USB devices.

Network Configuration

By default, Device Monitoring Studio Server's installer adds an exclusion to the Windows Firewall during installation (this option may be switched off). In more complex network setups, network administrator must ensure incoming connections to the server executable are allowed.

Interoperability with Device Monitoring Studio

Device Monitoring Studio Server cannot be installed side-by-side with Device Monitoring Studio (and vice versa). However, starting with version 9.12, Device Monitoring Studio installer contains an optional server component.

By default, server is not installed as Windows Service and instead may be run on demand.