Device Monitoring Studio - Monitor, log and analyze data coming through PC ports and connections
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What's New in 7.25

Remote Monitoring

Starting from version 7.25, active remote sessions are no longer automatically terminated when connection to remote server breaks. Instead, Device Monitoring Studio starts trying to automatically reconnect to remote server and resume monitoring.

New global object is available for scripting: Remote Connection Manager Object.

New parameter (remote server name) has been added to IHost.createSession and to ISession.addDevice function overloads. Therefore, it is now possible to start remote monitoring sessions from scripting code.

Bridge Manager Scripting Object

Bridge Manager object is now available. It allows user code to create and manage serial bridges through its methods and properties. Created bridges may be manipulated through the IBridge interface.

In addition, starting from version 7.25, it is possible to start serial bridge monitoring sessions from scripting code.

Updates to Serial Terminal Scripting

Serial Terminal Session Object adds the following property: ITerminalSession.flowControl to query or set terminal session's flow control mode.

IFlowControl interface and Predefined Flow Control Object have been added.

Updated Typescript Version

This version updates the included TypeScript compiler to version 1.5.