Device Monitoring Studio - Monitor, log and analyze data coming through PC ports and connections
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Multi-Source Data Source

Multi-source is not a separate data source type. Instead, it is a technology that allows the user to monitor two or more devices of the same type in a single monitoring session. Device Monitoring Studio considers such monitoring session as having a single source and sorts incoming packets according to their capture times.

The following data sources support multiple-source:

The following data sources do not support multiple-source:

Multi-Source Session Creation

You start creating multi-source session just like any other session. Double-click a first device you want to monitor in the Devices Tool Window to bring up the Session Configuration Window.

If the selected device belongs to one of the supported data types, Add More button appears. Click the button to see the list of all devices of the same type you may add to the session. You cannot add the same device twice and you cannot exceed the maximum of 16 devices per session.

Not all data processing modules support multi-source sessions. Session Configuration Window automatically updates list of available processing modules when you add or remove device. If only one device remains in a session, it becomes an ordinary session.

After creation, multi-source session does not allow you to add or remove devices.

Multi-Source Device Identification

To help you distinguish packets from different devices, all data visualizers that support multi-source sessions use different colors to highlight packets from different devices. You configure a global color table on Tools » Settings, Multi-Source Device Colors Tab. For reference, Sessions Tool Window uses the same colors when it displays the list of devices in a session.

Unsupported Data Sources

Serial Bridge, Playback and Remote data sources do not support multi-source.

Note that Data Recording processing module supports multi-source, but when you later play back the resulting log file, it is considered as having a single source, but will still show you packets from all original devices.