Device Monitoring Studio - Monitor, log and analyze data coming through PC ports and connections
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Adjusting Output

You can change the scale of individual variables to adjust their representation on the chart. Use the vertical scrollbar to change the Y-axis scale.

Use the following commands (available from context menu):

Auto Fit
When enabled, this option causes the plot to scale the visible data automatically so you always see the minimum and maximum values on the screen. Auto fitting concerns all enabled variables and may cause the Y-axis scale to change as you scroll or change the horizontal scale. The vertical scrollbar adjustment continues to work in this mode as well.
Draw Lines
The plot is drawn using polylines - this is the fastest method available.
Draw Curves
The plot is drawn using splines, effectively smoothing data. This method consumes more processor cycles and should be switched off if your computer becomes unresponsive. This method is automatically switched off on small scales.
No Fill
The area under the graphic is not filled - again, this is the fastest possible method. It is automatically chosen when you go to the smallest horizontal scales.
Solid Fill
The area under the graphic is filled with a solid color, being the slightly desaturated color of the variable itself.
Gradient Fill
The area under the graphic is filled with a gradient. This is the slowest method, so it should not be used if your computer becomes unresponsive.

The Edit » Clear View command deletes all data, including the statistics for each variable.

Use the horizontal scrollbar to scroll the visible plot area. Use the + and - buttons to change the horizontal scale (from 1:64 to 1:1).

Use the Edit » Go to Packet… and Go to Sample… (from popup menu) commands to navigate to specific packet or sample correspondingly.

Capturing the Plot Data

You can save a copy of the visible data in the Statistics visualizer to the Clipboard or to the disk file. Use the Edit » Copy and Edit » Export… commands to copy the picture to Clipboard or file correspondingly. The picture copied to the Clipboard can be inserted into any application capable of working with bitmaps. Edit » Export… command allows you to save the picture in JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and TIFF formats.