Device Monitoring Studio - Monitor, log and analyze data coming through PC ports and connections
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Pattern Coloring

Raw Data View visualizer allows you to create one or more patterns to highlight them in the data stream automatically. A pattern is either an encoded or UNICODE string, regular expression or a sequence of bytes, words, double words or quad words.

Pattern Coloring

For each pattern you create, you may select the background and foreground color as well as an optional outline color. You may also specify a transparency value for a background color so the colors from multiple components mix well. A single cell may have the following applied coloring:

  1. If packet interlacing option is on, odd and even packets are colored differently.
  2. If there is a selection, cells belonging to a selection are colored differently.

This window also allows you to save the rules to a file or load them from a file.

See the Regular Expressions topic for details on supported regular expression syntax.