This operator returns the size, in bytes, of the enclosed identifier.
may be either a built-in type, typedef'ed type, user-defined type or field reference. Taking the size of user-defined dynamic type is incorrect and will result in compile error.
The following code fragment illustrates the use of the sizeof() operator
struct A
int a;
int b;
int c[4];
struct B
int a;
int b[a];
struct C
B b;
const SizeOfInt = sizeof(int); // correct, evaluates to 4
const SizeOfA = sizeof(A); // correct, evaluates to 24 (size of static user-defined type A)
const SizeOfB = sizeof(B); // incorrect, results in compile-time error, B is dynamic type
var SizeOfb = sizeof(b); // correct, will be calculated at run-time