Device Monitoring Studio - Monitor, log and analyze data coming through PC ports and connections
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Built-in Types

Integer Types

Device Monitoring Studio natively supports the following integer types:

Type NameOther Valid NamesTypedefs in stddefs.hDescriptionRange
boolN/AN/AOne-byte boolean value. Displayed as “true” and “false”.N/A
charsigned charCHAR, int8, __int88-bit signed character-27 to 27 - 1
wchar_tN/AWCHAR16-bit UNICODE character0 to 216 - 1
unsigned charN/AUCHAR, BYTE, uint88-bit unsigned character0 to 28 - 1
shortsigned short, short int, signed short intSHORT, int16, __int1616-bit signed integer-215 to 215 - 1
unsigned shortunsigned short intUSHORT, WORD, uint1616-bit unsigned integer0 to 216 - 1
intsigned int, signedINT, int32, __int3232-bit signed integer-231 to 231 - 1
unsigned intunsignedUINT, uint3232-bit unsigned integer0 to 232 - 1
longsigned long, long int, signed long intLONG32-bit signed integer-231 to 231 - 1
unsigned longunsigned long intULONG, DWORD32-bit unsigned integer0 to 232 - 1
__int64N/ALONGLONG, int6464-bit signed integer-263 to 263 - 1
unsigned __int64N/AULONGLONG, FILETIME, uint6464-bit unsigned integer0 to 264 - 1

Type Modifiers

Two modifiers, little_endian and big_endian may be used to change the default byte ordering of a type. They may be used directly in declaring fields:

struct A
    big_endian short value;

or in typedef declaration to create a new type:

typedef big_endian short b_short;

Note that #pragma byte_order directive may still be used to change default byte ordering for the rest of a scope. If little_endian or big_endian modifier is present, it always overwrites the current default.

Floating-Point Types

Device Monitoring Studio natively supports the following floating-point types:

Type NameDescriptionSize, in BytesRange
floatSingle-precision floating-point type, according to IEEE 754-198543.4∙10±38 (7 digits)
doubleDouble-precision floating-point type, according to IEEE 754-198581.7∙10±308 (15 digits)

String Types

Device Monitoring Studio natively supports the following string types:

Type NameDescription
stringNull-terminated ANSI string (each character occupies single byte).
wstringNull-terminated UNICODE string (each character occupies two bytes).