Device Monitoring Studio - Monitor, log and analyze data coming through PC ports and connections
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Protocol Reference

Serial Monitoring Sessions

Serial monitoring session uses the type Serial, declared in serial.h file to bind a serial packet. Please consult the file for detailed step-by-step description of binding process.

Serial Bridge Monitoring Sessions

Serial Bridge monitoring session uses the type BridgePacket, declared in serial.h file to bind a serial bridge packet. Please consult the file for detailed step-by-step description of binding process.

USB Monitoring Sessions

USB monitoring session uses the type Usb, declared in usb.h file to bind a USB packet. Please consult the file for detailed step-by-step description of binding process.

Network Monitoring Sessions

Network monitoring session uses the type Ethernet, declared in network.h file to bind a network packet. Please consult the file for detailed step-by-step description of binding process.