USB Monitoring Control - ActiveX Component Library for USB Data Monitoring, API for Software Developers
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IUsbMonitor Interface

This is the first interface you get from the USBMC library. It is used to get the list of installed USB devices and create Monitor objects. You get a reference to this interface when you create the UsbMonitor object. It is a central entry point to the monitoring library.

CComPtr<IUsbMonitor>	pUM;
HRESULT hr = pUM.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(UsbMonitor));
if (FAILED(hr))
    MessageBox(L"Error opening the USBMC control", L"Error", MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK);
    return TRUE;
// use pUM here
hhdusbmcLib.UsbMonitor mc = new hhdusbmcLib.UsbMonitor();
// use mc here


interface IUsbMonitor extends ${IDispatch} {
    // Properties
    readonly ${Devices}: ${IDeviceCollection};

    // Methods
    ${CreateMonitor}(): ${IMonitoring};
    ${InstallLicense}(LicenseFile: string): void;
public interface IUsbMonitor : ${IDispatch}
    // Properties
    ${IDeviceCollection} ${Devices} { get; }

    // Methods
    ${IMonitoring} ${CreateMonitor}();
    void ${InstallLicense}(string LicenseFile);
    void ${InstallLicenseInMemory}(byte[] data);
    void ${DisplayActivationDialog}(IntPtr hWnd);
struct IUsbMonitor : IDispatch
    // Properties
    ${IDeviceCollectionPtr#IDeviceCollection} ${Devices};  // get 

    // Methods
    ${IMonitoringPtr#IMonitoring} ${CreateMonitor}();
    HRESULT ${InstallLicense}(_bstr_t LicenseFile);
    HRESULT ${InstallLicenseInMemoryNative}(UCHAR * pData, ULONG size);
    HRESULT ${DisplayActivationDialog}(HWND hWnd);

IUsbMonitor Properties


readonly Devices: ${IDeviceCollection};
${IDeviceCollection} Devices { get; }
${IDeviceCollectionPtr#IDeviceCollection} Devices;  // get 

Reference to the device collection object.

IUsbMonitor Methods


CreateMonitor(): ${IMonitoring};
${IMonitoring} CreateMonitor();
${IMonitoringPtr#IMonitoring} CreateMonitor();

Creates a new monitor object that is ready to be attached to USB device.


InstallLicense(LicenseFile: string): void;
void InstallLicense(string LicenseFile);
HRESULT InstallLicense(_bstr_t LicenseFile);
The full path to the license file.

Install a license stored in a given file.


// This method is not available in scripting environment
void InstallLicenseInMemory(byte[] data);
// This method is not available in native environment
Byte array that stores the contents of the license file.

Install a license stored in a memory buffer.


// This method is not available in scripting environment
// This method is not available in managed environment
HRESULT InstallLicenseInMemoryNative(UCHAR * pData, ULONG size);
Pointer to a memory buffer that holds the contents of the license file.
Size of the buffer pointed by pData, in bytes.

Install a license stored in a memory buffer.


// This method is not available in scripting environment
void DisplayActivationDialog(IntPtr hWnd);
HRESULT DisplayActivationDialog(HWND hWnd);
Dialog's parent window handle. May be 0.

Display the activation dialog.