USB Monitoring Control - ActiveX Component Library for USB Data Monitoring, API for Software Developers
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Activating USB Monitoring Control

This section provides a complete description of the steps you need to follow in order to activate your copy of the HHD Software USB Monitoring Control.

First, you need to have an account in our internal database, which means that the product must already be purchased. If you haven't purchased it yet, please follow to the product's homepage.

Manual Activation

Below is the Activation window.

Activation Window

You need to provide a full path to the license file in order to activate the USBMC. You can enter the path manually, or click the Browse button.

Activation from Code

You can also install a license file from code. The following methods are available:

  1. IUsbMonitor.InstallLicense, IUsbMonitor.InstallLicenseInMemory and IUsbMonitor.InstallLicenseInMemoryNative methods install a license file contained in a file or in a memory buffer.

  2. IUsbMonitor.DisplayActivationDialog method displays an activation dialog, allowing a user to specify the license file to activate the library.

  3. The library exports a function with a following signature:

    extern "C" void __stdcall DisplayActivationDialogW(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR, int);

    The signature of the function is compatible with rundll32.exe utility program. It displays an activation dialog, allowing a user to specify the license file to activate the library.