Device Monitoring Studio - Monitor, log and analyze data coming through PC ports and connections
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Proxy Tab

This page allows you to configure the proxy server used by features Check for Updates and Downloader. In most cases, you don't need to make any changes, as defaults will work on majority of installations.

When Device Monitoring Studio establishes a connection to remote server, it always does it over HTTP protocol over the 80 port. If your computer must use HTTP proxy when accessing HTTP resources, you may configure the proxy settings on this page. In addition, if your proxy server requires authentication, you may also configure credentials to use.

Proxy Tab

Server Settings

There are four options you can use to configure a proxy server:

Application will use the proxy server configured in your default browser. This is a default setting.
Auto-detect proxy settings
Application will try to automatically detect proxy server settings.
Do not use proxy
Device Monitoring Studio will bypass any configured proxy.
Use the following proxy (HTTP):

Specify the address (and optionally port number) of the proxy server to use. Examples:

will use the HTTP proxy server on port 80 (the default).

will use the HTTP proxy server on port 8080

Proxy Server Authentication

There are three authentication options you can use:

Authentication is not required
Proxy Server does not require authentication.
Authenticate me as logged on user
Device Monitoring Studio will use the currently logged-on user to authenticate on the proxy server.
Authenticate me with the following credentials:
Enter the user name and password. You must enter the same password in both Password and Re-type password boxes. See the Security Considerations section below.

Security Considerations

When you configure the Device Monitoring Studio to use the entered credentials, it stores entered password in registry under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key. It uses encryption to store the password. Only the same user is able to decrypt the password.

That is, if encrypted password is copied to another computer, an attacker will not be able to get the plain text password.